Engineer. Founder. Coach.

I help leaders at tech and tech-enabled businesses supercharge their leadership, be strategic, and unlock productivity.

Headshot of Ellie Daw, coach for technical leaders
My Approach

I work side by side with you as a thought partner to help you confidently focus on high leverage activities.

What I Stand For

Coach at heart, engineer by training.

My first career was as a gymnastics coach, and every step of my journey in the tech industry has only proven the lessons I learned as a coach: technical excellence alone won't lead you to success. When domain expertise is combined with empathy, clear communication, and strategic vision, you will be unstoppable.

Technical excellence
I've always loved pushing the boundary of applied computer science from cryptography to quantum computing and AI. Technical excellence is not just understanding but also shaping the future, ensuring that technical leaders are always at the frontlines of innovation with the rest of leadership teams.

Empathetic Leadership
Empathy is the linchpin of effective leadership. My experience has taught me that trust and understanding form the bedrock of high-performing teams. Whether coaching athletes, leading engineers, or starting companies, the ability to connect and empathize has proven essential. Empathetic leadership means seeing through others' eyes and cultivating a supportive, united culture.

Clear Communication
We are often deep in the weeds (and we love it). But those we have to persuade are not. We have to find ways to help those around us understand the impact of our team. Nothing has proven this to me more staunchly than bringing cryptography and quantum computing concepts to congresspeople. Nothing we do is too complex to explain to the folks who need to understand.

Strategic Vision
I've been fortunate to see companies from every angle: as an investor, an advisor, a CTO, an engineer, a founder, a manager, the list goes on. Leaders with strategic vision are unmistakable. They recognize potential, anticipate trends, and lead without hesitation. This is what it takes to see our goals through.


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Answers to common questions

  • What do we do together? We start with assessing where you're at and your "wave-a-magic-wand" goals. After that, we meet an average of 2 times per month and tackle the most important topic on your mind each time.
  • Why me? Leaders at tech and tech-enabled companies face unique challenges and need to partner with someone who gets it. Through the lens of an Executive Coach certification, I bring experience from Fortune 50 companies, boutique consulting, venture-backed startups, and entrepreneurship so we can partner to make progress toward your goals.
  • What is your fee? Typical engagements last 3-6 months and can be tailored based on the goals. Pricing is typically tiered based on the stage of your company. Get in touch to see if we're a great fit!

Get in touch

To make sure my clients get the attention they deserve, I limit the number of leaders I work with at one time. I believe it's extremely important for us to be a great fit.

We might be a great fit if: you're a leader at a tech or tech-enabled company, want to build an effective and high performing team, and are excited to focus your efforts on high leverage activities.

If this sounds like you, let's meet and see if we're a great fit!

Thank you! I'll reach out soon to schedule a time to talk.
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